If you do so, your claims will be denied straightaway.
As we approach the transition deadline for ICD-10 code set and version 5010, there are many out there who are still figuring out how to take the plunge. CMS, as we all are aware, will want you to be using form 5010 from January 1 next year. You need to start double-checking your system's provider information and claim forms to see to it that address fields are 5010-form ready.
One important thing you need to keep in mind while making the transition is staying away from confusions created by your P.O box.
Don't let your 5010 claims list your practice's place of service as a P.O box. If you do so, your claim will be instantaneously denied.
What's more, don't rely on your vendor to do all of your work for you. You will be unlucky in this department as the vendor will not be able to make changes like this for you as they are in your system and not the vendor's data files. Even if the vendor is truly on top of this, there are things the providers/billers have to do in their systems that vendors cannot do for them.
The vendor does not have a say on what they call the provider master list; the practice or billing company has to see to it that address is a street address.
Remember that the ‘pay to' address can remain to be a P.O box or lockbox. However the hitch is that some of the low-end systems do not have a place for two addresses. They have just one address field which serves as both the office address and pay to address. And in case they have been using a P.O box earlier, they cannot do it any longer.
And those practices that maintain lockboxes with P.O box addresses, however who do not have the ability to fill in two different fields will either have to give up their lockboxes so the claim won't be denied; or use the lockbox address and face claim denials. They will alternatively have to get a software update or upgrade so they can have two fields for the separate addresses.
For further ICD-10 code information, sign up for a one-stop medical coding guide like Supercoder.
Whether it's a powerful code reference tool, a real-time claims auditor to help you reduce denials or step-by-step guidance from CPC certified experts, we've got you covered. Some of our unique products provide you the update information on ICD9 Codes and HCPCS codes , the ammunition you need to get instant success.
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